Saturday 30 May 2015




Maida – 1.5 cups
Butter(Unsalted)  + oil –  1/4 cup + 1/8 cup
Sugar  - 1/2 tsp
Curd -  1.5 tblsp
Cooking soda (Sodium bicarbonate) – 2 pinches
Water – 1/4 cup (approx.)
Oil – for deep frying

For sugar syrup :

Sugar – 1/2 cup
Water – Just to immerse the sugar
Elaichi powder – 2 pinches
Saffron – A pinch (optional)
Lemon juice – 1 tsp


Melt butter and add oil, sugar, curd and cooking soda to it and use a whisk to mix well to make the mixture frothy. Add the flour to it.

Mix well to make it crumbly. Add water to make it dough (be careful while adding water). Make a smooth dough without any lumps. I kept on kneading for 10 mins.

Make lemon sized balls (I did 12 lemon sized balls) out of the dough. Shape the balls to look like mini donuts.

Take a pan add sugar and water to it. Boil it till one string consistency. Add saffron, elaichi to it. Add lemon juice to this lastly. Lemon juice is added so that the sugar doesn’t crystallize.

Heat oil just enough, check it by adding a pinch of dough. The dough should rise immediately, then it’s just right. Don’t let the oil fume at any point.

Add some 5 badushas carefully to the oil. Switch off the flame and let it get cooked in preheated oil. Approximately it would take 5 mins.

At one stage badushas float, then again keep the kadai on fire and cook in medium-low flame, adjust heat at the end to make it golden brown, for me it took around 5-8 mins.

Drain in a paper towel and immediately add to the hot syrup to cover the badushas.  Add in batches of

2 – 3 at a time. Leave it for a minute and then drain the badushas to a greased surface.


  1. make donuts just the size of balls we make for buns?

  2. make donuts just the size of balls we make for buns?

  3. Yes just the shape of mini donuts is enough for badusha
