Tuesday 19 May 2015


Rasgulla is popular bengali sweet. This sweet is loved by all age groups. :) :)

Ingredients :

Milk (full cream) – 1 litre
Lemon juice – 3 tblsp
Sugar – 2 cups
Water – 3 & ½ cups
Elaichi powder – pinch
Ice cubes - 10
Nuts (Optional) – For garnishing

Method :

Heat the milk and when it starts to boil, simmer the flame, add the lemon juice and stir properly.

Heat further until the whey water clearly separates. Put off the flame.

Add the ice cubes and mix well. Ice cubes is added to prevent chenna to become hard.

In a muslin cloth pour the curdled milk.

Wash the chenna well in running water to remove the lemon smell and sourness.

Squeeze the excess water gently and hang it for 30 mins.  Else place the grinding stone on the mixture and keep it for 30 mins.

After 30 mins take out the paneer in a bowl. It will now look crumbled in texture.

Kneed this for 7-10 mins gently to make it like a soft and smooth dough.

Make smooth equal sized small balls. I made some 22 balls. You can adjust the number according to the size of rasgullas you need because the rasgullas double in size while boiling.

In a pressure cooker add sugar, elaichi and water and boil it.

After the sugar gets dissolved completely and the syrup boils, add the balls made carefully one by one.

On medium flame pressure cook for a whistle. After a whistle simmer to low flame and keep for 5 mins.

Put off the flame and let the pressure gets released by itself, then open the lid to see the rasgullas – by now it would have doubled in size. If you think sugar syrup is too thin and not sweet enough, boil again in low flame until you get desired thickness of the syrup.

Cool down and refrigerate and serve chilled!!

Notes :

Don’t add excess lemon juice to the boiling milk. You can use curd instead of lemon juice.

The kneading part is very important, knead smooth and soft with patience.

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