Tuesday 12 May 2015

Taushe Idly / Cucumber Idlies

Taushe Idly

Ingredients :

Grated cucmber - 1 (medium sized)
Rice rawa - 1 cup
Jaggery - 3/4 cup grated (you can add jaggery as per your taste)
Fresh coconut - 1/2 of whole coconut ( add only white part)
Salt - 1 tbsp

Method :

Grate the cucumber after removing the seeds and keep aside.

Roast the rice rawa until the aroma comes out and cool it

In a mixie jar add coconut, jaggery and salt and grind little bit. The jaggery should blend well with the coconut.

In a bowl mix rawa, coconut paste grated cucumber and mix well. Keep this mixture aside to set for 30 mins.

Grease the idly moulds with little ghee and fill in the above mixture and steam for 25 mins.

Have the idlies hot with ghee :)

Note : The cucumber gives out water when the mixture is let to set for 30 mins. Still if the mixture looks dry you can add water. Restrain from adding access water to the mixture.

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