Sunday 21 June 2015

Phenori / Chiroti



Maida – 1/2 cup
Ghee – 1 tblsp + 2 tblsp
Sugar – 2 tsp
Salt – a pinch
Rawa / semolina – 3 tblsp
Oil for deep frying

For dusting :

Sugar – 1/2 cup
Green cardamom – 4-5


Take maida in a bowl. Add sugar and salt to it. Heat 1 tblsp ghee till smoky hot and add it to the mixture.

Add water and knead to a smooth dough. Keep this aside.

In a mixie jar add the ingredients under “for dusting” and powder the sugar.

Make medium sized balls out of the dough and roll it to thin sheets. Make 5 sheets like this.

Take a sheet and spread ghee on it. Sprinkle some semolina on it and place one more sheet. Repeat this step for remaining 4 sheets as shown  below.

Roll these sheets and cut it into 1 inch thick pieces. Now gently press each with your palm.

Now roll into semi thick puris and fry in oil till golden brown.

Dust the puris in sugar powder on both sides.

Our phenori is ready, store in air tight container.

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