Thursday 11 June 2015

Batate ambado

Batate Ambado

Ingredients :

Potatoes - 4
Besan/Chickpea flour - 1 cup
Green chillies - 2

To temper :

Mustard - 1.5 tsp
Urad dal - 1 tsp
Curry leaves - 1 spring

Method :

Wash the potatoes and boil them. Once its cooked mash the potatoes.

Make a tadka of items listed under "to temper" and add it to mashed potatoes.

Add green chillies, hing and salt and mix well. Keep aside this mixture.

In a bowl take chickpea flour and add water and salt to it. Mix this well such that no lumps are formed. The consistency of the batter should be very thick (thicker than bhajji batter).

Divide the potato mixture in equal proportions and make round balls of this.

Heat oil in a kadai. Once the oil gets heated up dip the potato mixture in chickpea batter and fry it in medium heat until its cooked.

Serve it with chutney or ketchup of your choice.

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